Future of employment

Future of employment

ESCWA strives to help its member States generate sufficient decent work opportunities, essential for a dignified life.

Growth in the working age population in the Arab region has been accompanied by stagnant labour force participation, and the highest unemployment levels worldwide among women and young people. The COVID-19 pandemic has further compounded job market challenges and is expected to increase unemployment significantly on top of the existing high stock of unemployed individuals. Moreover, among the 2.8 million net new job market entrants each year, the majority find jobs in the informal sector or in the public sector, with limited job creation in the formal sector.

ESCWA is examining the underlying reasons behind the inability of the Arab region to generate more jobs. It is building a job monitor to help member States develop market policies that reduce the skills mismatch and increase employability, based on measuring demand for skills and matching it with available human capital. ESCWA also supports member States in tackling upcoming changes to jobs and skills, resulting from technological advancements and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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