Committee Sessions materials

Report of the first special meeting of the Executive Committee
Executive Committee - First Special Meeting
April 2024 | E/ESCWA/EC.S1/2024/Report
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12.1 (a)- Report of the Twentieth session of the Committee on Transport and Logistics
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/C.5/2019/5/Report
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12.1 (b)- Report of the Twenty-first session of the Committee on Transport and Logistics
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/C.5/2020/6/Report19
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12.6- Report of the Committee on Social Development on its thirteenth session
08- Arab Trade Gateway
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/EC.8/2021/7
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07- Arab SDG Gateway
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | LIMITED E/ESCWA/EC.8/2021/6
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12.2- Report of the First session of the Committee on Trade Policies in the States Members of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/C.6/2019/11/Report
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12.4- Report of the Statistical Committee on its fourteenth session
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/C.1/2021/7/Report
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List of documents
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | Distr. LIMITED E/ESCWA/EC.8/2021/INF.1
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09- Activities of the Arab Centre for Climate Change Policies
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/EC.8/2021/8
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11- Regional preparations for the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/EC.8/2021/10
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12- Reports of ESCWA subsidiary bodies
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/EC.8/2021/11
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12.5- Report of the Committee on Technology for Development on its third session
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/C.8/2021/7/Report
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13- Proposed programme plan for 2023
Organization of work
Executive Committee, 8th meeting
December 2021 | E/ESCWA/EC.8/2021/L.2
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