
Arab Legislation Portal

The portal provides ESCWA member States with access to a repository of regulatory frameworks in the region pertaining to the business environment.

It enables rapid access to information on laws, regulations and legislative decrees and promotes analysis of current legislation and the identification of regulatory gaps in the Arab region. It facilitates support, the exchange of expertise and opportunities, and comparative evaluation between countries.

Last updated: Dec 2021
Launched: Dec 2021

Cluster: Shared Economic Prosperity

Focus Area: Macroeconomics, Governance & enabling environment

Initiatives: Improving competition and protecting consumers, Enhancing integrated national development planning

Country: People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Kingdom of Bahrain, Arab Republic of Egypt, Republic of Iraq, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, State of Kuwait, Lebanese Republic, State of Libya, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Kingdom of Morocco, Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Federal Republic of Somalia, State of Palestine, Republic of Sudan, Republic of Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Yemen

SDGs: Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

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