
Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: an Arab Regional Perspective

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/CL1.CCS/2021/TP.2

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Reports & studies

Cluster: Climate Change and Natural Resource Sustainability

Focus Area: Climate change, Natural resource sustainability

Initiatives: Advancing water and food security

SDGs: Agenda 2030

Keywords: Agriculture, Climate change, Arab countries, Appropriate technology, Climate, Environmental financing, Food security, Agricultural development, Productivity, Sustainable development

Koronivia joint work on agriculture: an Arab regional perspective

December 2021

In the Arab region, bold measures are needed to face unprecedented extremes and to address the vulnerability of the agriculture sector to climate change and its impact on food security. This will necessitate the engagement of Arab States individually and collectively to reduce exposure and sensitivity and enhance their adaptive capacity.

This technical report presents Arab States with the implications of the Koronivia process and its relevance in addressing challenges facing the Arab agriculture sector. It tackles the interrelation between climate and agriculture, and its impact on food security in the Arab region, and reviews the evolution of discussions on agriculture in the climate change negotiation context.

The report also provides technical support to develop a common understanding for of the climate action in the agriculture sector, looking at interlinkages between the priority areas identified in Koronivia workshops (sharing best practices, cooperation and partnership, financial support, measurement and data collection) and those identified in the Arab regional consultation meetings (informed adaptation response measures, policy interlinkage and coherence, and means of implementation).

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Climate change , Natural resource sustainability ,
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