
3 Oct 2011

ESCWA Holds Conference on Green Industries

ESCWA today opened a conference on “The Role of Green Industries in Promoting Socio-Economic Development in the Arab Countries” at the UN House in Beirut. The conference is held under the patronage of Lebanese Minister of Industry Freije Sabounjian, and is organized in cooperation with the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO). The conference is also held in cooperation with the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Regional Office of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) for Western Asia, the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the League of Arab States’ Technical Secretariat of the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for the Environment. Sabounjian delivered a statement at the opening session where he highlighted the importance of the conference’s theme covering the dimensions and effects in the field of industry, the environment, and employment opportunities. He pointed out the near-consensus among economists that orienting policies towards adopting sustainable development and pro-environment concepts are among the most prominent catalysts of economic development. He said fighting pollution has become an overriding concern for major industrialized countries, and protecting the environment has become one of the fundamental principles of eco-friendly countries, which in turn allocate aid to countries adopting similar policies. He added that the three main objectives of green industries are reducing dependence on energy, managing industrial waste so as to reduce pollution, and finally using renewable energies and resources by replacing traditional petroleum fuels with alternative, environmentally-friendly energies drawn from air, water and the sun. Director of ESCWA Sustainable Development and Production Division, Roula Majdalani, delivered a statement on behalf of the Commission’s Executive Secretary. She said people aged between 15 and 24 years in Arab countries now represent 20 percent of the total population. It would therefore not be possible to proceed with the sustainable development process unless sufficient and appropriate job opportunities are provided. “There are abundant creative ideas to provide the appropriate environment for the emergence of green industries and for their success and continuity,” she added. The most important factors to consider in this context, she said, are the availability of funding; the role of financial institutions; the importance of investing in green industries; as well as the transfer, resettlement and development of technology. In addition, adoption of environmental standards required to contribute to global efforts for environmental protection and climate change’s mitigation and adaptation, and finally good sustainable management of natural resources need to be given priority. Majdalani said ESCWA is playing a major regional role in preparations for the Rio+20 Conference by organizing a series of consultative meetings to develop a unified Arab position so that Arab countries’ views are consistent during that conference. The Director General of AIDMO, Mohamad Ben Youssef, underlined in his speech the important role played by the industrial sector in socioeconomic development, being the most effective means to improve living standards and foster the spirit of entrepreneurship and employment. He added that this sector was facing many challenges with negative impacts on the environment as it is responsible for consuming 35 percent of the world’s electricity supplies, contributes between 20 and 30 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, and drains more than a quarter of all raw materials. “Concerting efforts of all sectors and coordination among them will be an effective tool to implement the program of developing the role of small and medium-size industrial businesses in socioeconomic development in general, and the component of green industry in particular. It will also help in implementing the 2011-2014 Arab Plan of Action for the Development of Green Industry, which has several components responding to the needs of Arab countries and meeting the requirements to achieve sustainable industrial development,” he explained. Ben Youssef invited member states, national bodies, regional and international organizations to play a role in providing technical assistance for efforts aimed at developing green industries in the Arab world. Discussions of the conference, which will conclude on 30 September, revolve around the concept of green industries and requirements to promote them in Arab countries, international and regional initiatives aimed at reinforcing the “greening” principle in all socioeconomic domains, and preparations for Rio+20 meetings. Participants are also discussing economic, social and environmental dividends from adopting green industry policies and techniques, as well as other relevant topics.

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