
15 Aug 2011

ESCWA a Peace Platform for Iraq, Lebanon Children

Iraqi and Lebanese Children at ESCWA.JPG

"You, senior officials, owe it to us to remember that we are the future of nations and that to the extent you care for us you care for the future of our nations. What you sow in us today you shall reap in our country tomorrow." That was the message Iraqi and Lebanese children asked ESCWA and its Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf to relay to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the world community. Children from many parts of Iraq and Lebanon and from the various sects of those two countries came together at a summer camp organized by Lebanon's Offrejoie non-governmental organization. Together they stayed, free from any tensions, under the slogan of "Let's build bridges and meet," and basking in the values of love, tolerance and respect. After a while together, they came up with an appeal for "Peace, Love and Rights." It was a coincidence that those youngsters delivered their appeal to ESCWA on the International Youth Day, turning the Regional Commission into a platform for children and youth to send out their message of hopes, wishes and aspirations for the whole world to hear. The "Peace, Love and Rights" appeal emphasized that "living together in stability and security for sects and ethnicities could and should contribute to building human civilization." Through that appeal, Children also underlined their rights, including those to living their childhood, growing serenely in their own countries, and to receiving education and living safely and peacefully under the rule of law and respect for difference, regardless of their sect and ethnicity. "Your call is one of peace, love and rights," ESCWA's chief told the children in welcome statement. "It has the power to change our world into what we wish for it to be, into a society where all people, as you aspire, young and old enjoy their rights - the right to live in peace, tranquility and security, and the right to enjoy all human rights." "Today's children are tomorrow's youth. We have seen throughout this year the serious efforts for change exerted by our Arab youth, who attempted to bring justice, freedom and dignified living into their world. As for us at ESCWA, we work side by side with civil society organizations, out of conviction that they considerably support our pursuit of progress and human development in all parts of the Arab world. Your appeal today to the UN Secretary-General will be a main concern for us, and we shall follow up on it in the context of our developmental and humanitarian work. These are your rights, and your right is our obligation," Khalaf added. The youngsters were accompanied in their visit by Offrejoie's President Muhammad Hamadeh, member of the NGO's executive board Melhim Khalaf, and supporting clergymen Father Jean Roquette and Sayyed Hani Fahs. Khlaf delivered a statement outlining the creation of the Lebanese NGO in circumstances similar to those of Iraq at present. "We have come from allover Iraq, congregating not only in, but also with, Lebanon. What you see is an act of faith that commenced in 1985 when Lebanon was but a stain of blood on the world's TV screens. In 1985, we wanted to rise up and say no to war. With our simple tools, just toys and joyful songs and hymns, we chanted for the Lebanon to come, and here it comes, 25 years later, to sing with the Iraqi people. Lebanon comes today to give testimony that tomorrow is what we make of it, and not what will be enforced on us. This is an act of faith that relates to deeds, not words."
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