Press release

10 Dec 2012


Executive Secretary to Represent UN Secretary-General in ACD Summit

UN Under-Secretary-General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf will be delivering the statement of the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, in the First Annual Asian Cooperation Dialogue Summit to be held in the city of Kuwait on 15-17 October 2012. The Summit will convene 31 Heads of State and Government to discuss a wide range of issues in the political, economic, social, scientific and public information fields. The Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) was created in 2002 with the aim of promoting Asian cooperation at a continental level and to help integrate several regional cooperation organizations such as the Association of East Asian States (ASEAN), South Asian Association for Regional Coordination (SAARC) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The ACD main objectives are the promotion of interdependence among Asian countries in all areas of cooperation by identifying Asia’s common strengths and opportunities; the expansion of the trade and financial market within Asia and the increase of the bargaining power of Asia countries in the global market. The ACD is also intended to serve as the missing link in Asian cooperation; and ultimately to transform the Asian continent into an Asian Community that can interact with the world on a more equal footing.
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