Press release

26 Jan 2017

Beirut, Lebanon

Future of Syria among Regional Commission’s Priorities ESCWA to Release 2nd Phase of Relevant Programme Tomorrow

The second phase of the “National Agenda for the Future of Syria (NAFS)” programme at ESCWA will be released in a plenary meeting tomorrow Friday 27 January 2017 at the United Nations House in Beirut.
The meeting, which opens at 10:00 AM, will present the recommendations and final document of the Agenda’s Phase I as the “Strategic Policy Alternatives Framework-Post Conflict Syria,” and the vision of its Phase II.
Participating in the meeting are Syrians from all walks of life, in addition to ESCWA Deputy Executive Secretary for Programmes Abdallah Al Dardari, who is leaving the Commission to the World Bank (WB) end of January and ESCWA Deputy Executive Secretary for Programme Support Khawla Mattar who will be managing the NAFS programme in the coming phase.
Governance, economics and social experts, representatives of United Nations agencies, academia, civil society organizations, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), the international community and concerned stakeholders will also participate in tomorrow’s meeting.
The meeting will start with an overview of the results and recommendations of NAFS Phase I by Al Dardari followed by the presentation of NAFS Phase II Vision by Mattar.
The meeting aims to validate and update the policy options and priorities for post conflict re-building developed during NAFS phase I; define and manage the involvement of local actors and international community; and strengthen partnerships and enhance capacity of Syrian stakeholders to address post-conflict issues.
The “National Agenda for the Future of Syria” is a programme working under the United Nations mandate. It brings together Syrian experts from all sides despite their political views to sit together around one table and put different policy options and workable scenarios to face the social, economic and governance challenges in the post-conflict era. During the last four years, the NAFS programme has aimed to create and develop networks of Syrians from all walks of life on one hand and partnerships with international stakeholders on the other.

Media institutions wishing to assign representatives to cover this meeting are kindly requested to confirm their attendance on the numbers below in order to facilitate their entrance into the UN House:
Ms. Mirane Abi-Zaki +961-76-04 64 02; email:
Ms. Rania Harb +961-70-963761; email:
Email of the ESCWA Communication and Information Unit (ECIU):
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