
16 May 2012

Helsinki University Students Visit ESCWA, Get Briefed on its Objectives and Programmes

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A group of Political Studies students from the University of Helsinki visited ESCWA on 16 May 2012 and learned about its objectives and programmes. The students were briefed on the role of ESCWA, as one of the United Nations Regional Commissions, and the opportunities and challenges facing the region. The briefing emphasized the regional priority agenda, especially the Rio+20 Conference, which will convene in June 2012, and the efforts of ESCWA in the regional preparations for this event. Major priorities and issues in the ESCWA Work programme were highlighted, namely integrated management of natural resources and sustainable development; integrated social development; regional integration; strengthening the statistical capacities of the countries of the region; increasing the focus on Arab women and gender issues; and conflict mitigation and development. The students had an audience with Ms. Rima Khalaf, Executive Secretary, who has encouraged school and university briefings on ESCWA to promote its mission and mandate. The students then visited the ESCWA Library, where they were briefed on the wealth of reference and resource materials that ESCWA maintains for the benefit of students and scholars alike.
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