
19 May 2022

Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency in Algeria

panoramic view on a lake surrounded by greenery and horses on the horizon in el Tarf

ESCWA, in partnership with FAO, ACSAD and AOAD, organized a workshop on 9 and 10 May entitled “Increasing Watershed Resilience to Climate Change: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency in Algeria”.

The workshop gathered representatives from the ministries of water, agriculture, finance and environment - as well as other experts in the field - to evaluate the findings of the studies of arid zones and drylands conducted by ESCWA and ACSAD.

Participants discussed an assessment of climate change vulnerability in the agriculture sector, a crop simulation model for the Algerian basin, and possible interventions to address climate impacts in the area.

Photo: iStock/hocine haroun

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