Press release

26 Apr 2011


Lebanese Minister Opens 7th Arab Conference on WTO

Lebanese Minister of Economy and Trade Mohammed Safadi opened the 7th Arab Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) "Concerned Issues of the Arab Countries" at the UN House in Beirut on 26 April. The conference was organized by the Arab Organization for Administrative Development (ARADO), which is affiliated with the League of Arab States, in cooperation with both the Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade and ESCWA. Opening statements were made by Safadi, UN Under-Secretary General and ESCWA Executive Secretary Rima Khalaf read by ESCWA Officer-in-Charge Youssef Nusseir, ARADO's Counselor Basman Al Faysal, and WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy delivered by the organization's Director of Trade in Services Abdel Hamid Mamdouh. Safadi pointed out the significance of holding the meeting at the UN House in Beirut, as it symbolizes international cooperation that serves peace and development in the world. “The timing of this conference comes amid very sensitive circumstances in Arab countries. Socio-economic issues imposed themselves as key drivers of change, and consequently those states made reforms their priorities to respond to peoples’ aspirations towards greater political freedoms and achieving socioeconomic development,” he added. For his part, Nusseir stressed the importance the UN system and both international and regional organizations attach to the trade sector. “By accessing WTO, Arab countries shift up their trade regulations to a commercial system dealing at a global level, including conducting negotiations, concluding agreements, dispute resolution, trade liberalization and removal of barriers,” Nusseir said. He added that statistics show that inter-Arab trade, compared to total Arab trade, has increased in the past five years from 10 to 10.7 percent. Inter-Arab trade exchange constitutes an ultimate need for growth of the trade sector at the regional level, he pointed out. Al Faysal reviewed goals of the conference on WTO. “The Doha Round negotiations should conclude in the near future, and that’s why we need to make important steps to face the difficulties that may encounter this goal,” he stated. Mamdouh referred to the importance of holding such conference for the region in general and Doha Round in particular. He added that with the growing expansion of international trade issues, WTO works on increasing interest in the Arab countries and providing ongoing support for its members. Participants called on Arab governments to take drastic steps and adopt practical measures for reform and development, including strengthening and supporting economic development programs and ensuring the achievement of its ambitious goals. They also emphasized the importance of cooperation and coordination between regional institutions and organizations in providing assistance and technical support and capacity building in WTO issues. They urged the League of Arab States and ESCWA Executive Secretariat to develop an appropriate mechanism for such cooperation.
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