
ESCWA Annual Report 2015

ESCWA Publication: E/ESCWA/OES/2016/1

Country: Arab region

Publication Type: Flagship publications

Publication Subject: ESCWA Annual Report

Cluster: 2030 Agenda and SDG Coordination

Focus Area: Financing for development, Gender equality, Governance & enabling environment, Inclusive development, Natural resource sustainability, Resilient development & conflict prevention, Statistics

Initiatives: Sustainable urban development

SDGs: Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 2: Zero Hunger, Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Keywords: Activities, Arab countries, Developing areas, Development, Economic conditions, Economic development, Serial publications, Social conditions, Social development, Activities, Armed conflicts, Economic growth, Economic policy, Food security, Governance, Justice, Regional commissions, Social conditions, Sustainable development, Technology, Water, Serial publications

ESCWA Annual Report 2015

January 2016

The year 2015 was remarkable for international development cooperation, the United Nations and the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). At the backdrop of UN celebrations of its 70th anniversary, three landmark achievements were reached, namely: the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. In 2015, Mauritania became the latest member of the Commission, marking an important step towards Arab integration. ESCWA continued to support its member countries in conveying their priorities to international forums, and will be accompanying them while they embark on the implementation and follow up process of the SDGs.

In 2015 it held the second session of the Arab High-level Forum on Sustainable Development that resulted in the Bahrain Document, and two Executive Committee meetings on salient issues. It also launched a new revamped website and completed the transition to the enterprise resource planning system (ERP) named Umoja, which will facilitate its business processes, including procurement, finance, logistics, human resources and asset management. Read more about our achievements in this year’s Annual Report!

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Financing for development , Gender equality , Governance & enabling environment , Inclusive development , Natural resource sustainability , Resilient development & conflict prevention , Statistics ,
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