Within the framework of the Regional Initiative to Promote Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Rural Areas of the Arab Region (REGEND), and with funding from the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), ESCWA is organizing a 10-day capacity-building workshop for rural women in Mauritania on the topics of renewable energy, agriculture, clean cooking, rural development, women empowerment, and the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus, in partnership with the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD), and with support from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty in Mauritania.
The programme seeks to empower rural women and young people in Mauritania and to advance good agricultural, food and energy practices based on the sustainable use of natural resources for enhanced understanding of the WEF nexus and sustainable development.
It builds upon REGEND’s knowledge products and successful capacity-building activities in Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Tunisia, in addition to REGEND’s online learning course.