23-25 April 2024

Launching the Global Economywide Trade Simulator Interface for Morocco

  • Rabat, Morocco
Contact information

This workshop is being organized within the scope of the project on “Facilitating Arab regional and global integration through evidence-based policymaking toolkits”.

It is aimed at training national experts and policymakers on the use of the Global Economywide Trade Simulator Interface-Morocco (GETSI-Morocco) in trade analysis. The workshop enables participants to be in a better position to evaluate alternative scenarios of trade in goods. It also allows them to assess global trade shocks at an early stage, perform trade simulations and external shocks in a friendly way, and evaluate their potential macroeconomic and sectoral effects on the national economy in a timely manner.

This workshop is part of a series of workshops on trade simulation tools held by ESCWA in various Arab countries.

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