27-29 November 2017

Localizing the SDGs and Decentralizing Public Services in Iraq - I-PSM II

  • Beirut, Lebanon (UN-House)

Given increased momentum of decentralization reforms in Iraq in recent years, UNESCWA, under the umbrella of Iraq Public Sector Modernization Programme, will organize a capacity support workshop for Iraqi officials on localizing development goals and decentralizing public services.

Participants will identify capacity gaps and challenges facing Iraqi local authorities in implementing the SDGs agenda, and compare experiences across governorates and sectors.  On the bases of normative discussion of SDGs and principles of civil service reform, best practices of decentralized health, social and education sectors from other countries, as well as stocktaking of gaps and challenges in Iraq, participants will develop roadmaps for localizing the SDGs in three governorates: Al- Anbar, Al Qadessya and Karbalaa.
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