Press release

5 Jun 2015


Workshop of the Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders in the ESCWA Region

ESCWA is organizing on 8-12 June 2015 the Regional Training-of-Trainers (TOT) workshop within the implementation of the Academy of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Essentials for Government Leaders in the ESCWA Region (AIGLE) at the UN House in Beirut. 

Participants in the workshop will include high-level experts who have either prepared or reviewed the AIGLE four training modules, in addition to experts nominated by the participating institutions as well as the focal points from the participating Arab countries. 

Discussions will revolve around the four modules, which are: Linkage between ICT Applications and Development; ICT for Development Policy, Process and Governance; e-Government/e-Governance: Strategies, Policies and Applications; and Internet Governance. 

The workshop aims at training the trainers nominated by the Arab countries on the four modules; presenting the training packages for the four modules to all participants in the workshop; and conducting discussions on national plans for the participating countries towards the national roll-out of the project. 


The project aims to assist policymakers in Arab countries to build capacities in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Development, in order to reduce barriers to ICT adoption and promote the application of ICT in accelerating socioeconomic development and achieving the Millennium Development Goals as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. It builds upon lessons learned and achievements of a similar academy that was launched in 2008 in Korea by the Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT), within the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). 

ESCWA prepared the aforementioned four training modules within this project, the themes of which were based on a regional survey and needs assessment in the area of ICT for Development; and seeks to disseminate these modules in the Arab region through organizing regional and sub-regional training of trainers sessions and workshops. The project also aims at enhancing the capacity of national partners, mainly public administration teaching institutions, information technology or e-Government authorities and agencies, as well as paving the way for the development of training programmes (including new training modules) through promoting the participation of concerned and interested national institutions and individuals and ownership of the process, towards maximizing the impact and sustainability of the Academy. 

Currently, an online training platform is under development to host content on the AIGLE project and the training modules to be accessible to all stakeholders. Collaborative partnerships are being initiated with various entities, including national governmental and academic institutions related to public administration. 
For more information on the workshop, kindly check the following link: 

Media institutions wishing to send representatives to cover this event are kindly requested to confirm their attendance on the numbers below, to facilitate their entrance into the UN House: 
Ms. Maryam Sleiman +961-03-910 930, 
Ms. Mirane Abi-Zaki +961-76-04 64 02 

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